
Dedicated and Enthusiastic

Federal consultant, experienced in functional aspects of various ERP applications. Strengths include training and demonstrating functionality of IBM Cloud, Business Intelligence Tools, and Watson AI Catalog. Dedicated to delivering exceptional results and client success.

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I currently hold the following certifications:

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate    IBM Building Cloud Native and MultiCloud Applications    IBM Global Sales School    IBM Cloud Private Infrastructure Architecture

Featured Cloud Projects

I'm always building in my off hours. Below are some of the projects I am actively building or have built in the past.

Lately, I have been focused on learning AWS by actually using core services. Working through things like deploying static websites within AWS and using VPCs to deploy secure Private Cloud environments.

This Webpage

Hosted in AWS S3 as a static webpage. Cloudfront is used for CDN Edge locations capabilities for speeds and efficiency. AWS Certificate Manager is leveraged to get a SSL certificate for our static website domain and that certificate is attached to the CloudFront distribution. AWS Route 53 used as highly avaialable DNS Web Service for health checks and routing to our CloudFront distribution. here to read more

Application & Database Migration (On-Prem to AWS)

To get some expierience with a project that has application to the daily tasks of a solutions architect, I migrated a wordpress application and database from an (simulated) on-premise environment into AWS. For this task I established a AWS Direct Connect connection (VPC Peering for simulated On Prem environment), used EC2 and RDS for Cloud environment replication sources, and AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to handle the database migration. here to read more

Multi-Tier Netflix Like Application

A cool project I undertook using AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). Using AWS VPC I was able to create a highly available, yet secure private cloud environment that simulated a Netflix like application. Two webpages were created with EC2 and logically seperate in different avilability zones. Elastic Load Balancer is used to control and route traffic and Auto Scaling Group is used to provision more or less servers when necessary. here to read more

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